Friday, September 12, 2008

Life is Luscious

I really want to be someone who lives in the moment. I find myself feeling generally stressed lately... all the time. I'm focusing too much on the small things that aren't working instead of looking at the bigger picture. So I'm going to make a list! Woot! A List!

Things in my life that are awesome:

I have a gorgeous, funny, kind man in my life who I get to wake up next to every morning.
I live so close to the beach that I can hear the waves crash from my bed as I fall asleep at night.
I have a great job where I laugh most of the day and that gives me the means to live in this beautiful part of the world.
I have a cat and a dog that run to the door to greet me when I get home.
I have a car to get me where I need to go.
I have friends that I can call and no matter how much time has passed since our last conversation, can pick right back up with the laughter and support that I love.
I live in a house with a huge yard full of possibilities.
When I feel unsafe and insecure I can crawl into my boyfriend's arms and feel small and protected.

I feel better already. I really do have a rich life. Maybe not financially, but very definitely in many other ways.

1 comment:

Freddy Cat said...

Cam and I decided just now, that Michael is a brown George Clooney! And yes, you have an astoundingly rich life, and I'm really glad that I get to be in it!